Can you use an airless sprayer without a filter?
Airless spray painting is a convenient and efficient way to apply paint to a variety of surfaces. One common component of airless spray systems is the filter, which helps prevent clogs and ensure smooth, consistent spraying. However, some users may wonder if it's possible to use an airless sprayer without a filter. In this article, we'll explore the importance of filters in airless spray systems and whether or not it's advisable to operate a sprayer without one. Importance of Airless spray gun filters Airless spray gun filters play a crucial role in the operation of airless spray systems. These filters are designed to trap contaminants such as dirt, dust, and debris that can clog the spray tip or cause uneven spray patterns. Without a filter, these contaminants can enter the spray gun and cause issues with the quality of the finish, leading to costly rework and downtime. Additionally, filters help protect the internal components of the spray gun from damage, prolonging i...